Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Learn for Care


1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using Learn for Care, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using the platform.

2. Definitions

"LMS" refers to the Learning Management System provided by Learn for Care.

"User" refers to any person or entity using the LMS.

3. Use of the LMS

Users may access and use the LMS for educational purposes.

Users must not engage in any activity that violates applicable laws or these Terms and Conditions.

4. User Registration

Users may be required to register for an account. You agree to provide accurate, complete, and up- to-date information during the registration process.

5. User Responsibilities

Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts and passwords.

Users are responsible for all activities associated with their accounts.

6. Content

Learn For Care may provide various content, including courses, materials, and user-generated content.

Users may not reproduce, distribute, or modify any content without proper authorization.

7. Privacy

Learn For Care collects and uses personal information through its Privacy Policy.

8. Intellectual Property

All content provided by Learn for Care is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.

Users must respect the intellectual property rights of Learn for Care and other users.

9. Termination

Learn For Care reserves the right to terminate or suspend user accounts for violations of these Terms and Conditions.

10. Limitation of Liability

Learn for Care is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the LMS.

11. Indemnification

Users agree to indemnify, and hold Learn For Care harmless from any claims, damages, or losses resulting from their use of the LMS.

12. Modifications

Learn for Care reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Users are responsible for reviewing these terms periodically.

13. Governing Law

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at Suite 14, Neals Corner, 2 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3HJ



14. Contact Information

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Your Jurisdiction. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Your Jurisdiction.

15. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the user and Learn for Care regarding the use of the LMS.

2. General


2.1 These terms and conditions should be read and accepted before making a transaction. You acknowledge that you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions by using any of our services.

2.2 By ordering services from Learn for Care, you guarantee that you can enter into legally binding agreements on behalf of the Customer. You also agree that these Terms and Conditions will take precedence over any terms and conditions that may be included in any purchase order that is issued for the ordering of such services.

2.3 If a customer has a specific contract or agreement in place for alternative services offered by Learn for Care, the Customer agrees that these Terms and Conditions will apply for any training or consultancy services unless Learn for Care specifically acknowledges this in writing. This is especially true for situations where there is a conflict between terms and conditions.

2.4 Learn for Care has the right to change these terms of service at any time and without notice. Learning Connect shall notify the parties of any modifications on the Company's website at https://www.learnforcare.co.uk/TermsandConditions.

2.5 If the customer rejects any modifications, they must tell Learn for Care right away. If this is the case, the previous T&Cs will apply for the balance of the Agreement, and the updated.

2.6 Learn for Care will always use reasonable care and skill to deliver the Services that are requested and as detailed in any written Learn for Care proposal.

2.7 The Agreement is governed by English law. The only authority over any dispute arising under this Agreement will be English courts.

2.8 Everybody involved is an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement will establish an agency, joint venture, partnership, or other arrangement of that kind between the parties. It is forbidden for one party to represent the other as a partner, employee, franchisee, agent, or legal representative.

2.9 Learn for Care may, in whole or in part, delegate or subcontract to a capable third party its duties or rights under this Agreement. This Agreement may not be transferred by the Customer in whole or in part without Learn for Care prior authorization in writing.

2.10. It is agreed that Oxford Care Services should have the last say in any disagreement.

2.11. Oxford Care Services does not, under any circumstances, offer refunds, credits, or anything similar for online course purchases once payment has been approved or cleared.

2.12. Unauthorised access, use, or loss of courses do not subject Oxford Care Services to liability. It is the client's responsibility to safeguard their Learning Connect account access.

2.13. The client understands that Learn for Care is an online resource provider and that they must make sure users have the necessary tools and assistance to use online learning. Any associated problems are not Oxford Care Services' fault.

2.14. The user is in charge of planning and overseeing their use of the materials provided by Learn for Care, including any course fees associated with their account(s).

2.15. If the client opts in and has an active account with Learn for Care, they may get unsolicited emails on pertinent activity that Learn for Care determines

2.16. Personal information provided to Learn for Care is subject to their privacy statement and is treated in compliance with applicable data protection legislation.

2.17. Learn for Care maintains the right to modify the specifications of the products to meet legal or safety requirements, so long as the modifications don't materially impair the products' functionality or quality.

2.18. Learn for Care issues certificates based on responses supplied by users. Learn for Care makes no guarantees about the user's comprehension of the material; this is the customer's obligation.

2.19. The online service may occasionally experience outages due to routine upgrades and maintenance; Learn for Care will try to notify users in advance wherever practical.

2.20. Unplanned outages that are outside of Learn for Care control do occasionally occur. They will do their best to promptly restore access, but they cannot be held responsible for any unavailability resulting from events beyond of their reasonable control. This section emphasises that Learn for Care accepts the risk of unanticipated situations or occurrences that might cause brief service interruptions or unavailability. Even while they will make every effort to reduce downtime and swiftly restore access, they cannot be held accountable for events beyond their control.

2.21. You may usually settle complaints or concerns by having a conversation or getting clarity. To address your concern, you may get in touch with Learn for Care via phone or email. Please email with "Complaint" in the subject line, along with your name, contact information, and a summary of the issue. Within one business day, Learn for Care will respond to your email, and they will try to fix the problem in twenty-one working days (Monday through Friday).

2.22 You can take your complaint further if you're not happy with Learn for Care’s response by sending a letter to the Customer Services Director at the following address: Suite 14, Neals Corner, 2 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3HJ. Kindly forward the mail to the Director of Customer Services. The issue will be addressed by the director within 21 days of receiving your letter. For a minimum of 24 months, Learn for Care maintains records on these issues to guide the creation of their training offerings.

2.23. By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you will be held legally responsible for adhering to them and any further rules and guidelines that may be found on the Learn for Care website. This covers the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy, among other things. Learn for Care has the right to modify these terms from time to time, and your continuing use of their services indicates that you agree to any modified terms.

2.24. A director of Oxford Care Services Ltd. must provide written consent before any changes or additions to these terms and conditions may be made. No modifications or revisions may be done without this kind of formal approval.

3. Customer Obligations

3.1 If Learn for Care is called upon to conduct services on Customer property, the Customer undertakes to furnish Learn for Care employees and contractors with a complete and secure work environment, including any appropriate protective gear and supplies that may be required to carry out the essential services.

3.2 The Customer guarantees that, before any services are rendered, Learn for Care personnel and any subcontractors it hires are aware of all pertinent health and safety regulations of the Customer's location.

3.3 The Customer acknowledges that whenever Learn for Care provides services on the Customer's property, the Customer shall maintain appropriate employer's liability and public liability insurance.

4. Payment and Fees

4.1 All costs estimated to the customer for the delivery of public courses will be based on lists of current pricing in effect at the time. These pricing lists are liable to be modified at any moment.

4.2 The prices shown for public courses hosted at Learn for Care Venues include day conference venue costs; however, they do not include any overnight accommodations that may be needed, since these are subject to additional fees and requirements.

4.4 Any discounts that Learn for Care may provide to the customer for the supply of services are made in comparison to published price lists or standard rates that are in effect on the quote date; these discounts or offers cannot be combined with any other promotions that may be in effect at that time.

4.5 Once a charge is credited, it cannot be refunded and is not subject to adjustment.

4.6 All mentioned rates are only for the provision of services; they do not include mileage or any other costs that the customer will be responsible for paying in line with Learn for Care’s internal spending policy. Like that, the customer will get a reimbursement for their travel and lodging expenses. The customer will get a mileage reimbursement of 75 pence per mile.

4.7 All charges are subject to periodic review and may be changed to account for changes in salaries, materials, and other expenses involved with delivering services. Learning Connect has the right to change rates at any moment to account for these escalating expenses.

Terms of payment:

4.8 Payments must be paid in advance for all training courses, including in-person and online courses, no later than 15 days before the start of the course. For custom training programmes, money is required either 15 days before the scheduled delivery date or when the customer approves the course design, whichever comes first. money must be made in advance of the start of the course.

4.9 To guarantee a spot in a public course, candidates must pay online via the Learn for Care website within 15 days of the course start date.

4.10 If payment is not made in advance for any public course, Learn for Care has the right to reject participation. When it comes to in-house training, Learn for Care maintains the right to deny delivery if payment is not received in advance. In such a case, the cancellation policies outlined in paragraph five will take effect.

4.11. Assignments including consulting services will be billed after the project or, for longer assignments, each month for work done through the payment date. Payment for consulting engagements is expected seven days after the invoice date.

4.12 If a final report is produced because of a consultancy project, the assignment costs must be paid in full before the report is published. The report may not be released by Learn for Care until any unpaid balances associated with the assignment are paid in full.

4.13 For every month that a fee is unpaid beyond the prearranged terms of payment, there will be a late payment interest penalty equal to five times the Bank of England base rate.

4.14 To expedite payment for services, the Customer must quickly furnish valid purchase order data, if necessary. Under the terms and conditions of Learn for Care, the Customer's failure to submit a valid purchase order does not release them from their financial responsibilities.4.15 Learning Connect is not liable for any failure on the Customer's part to provide necessary purchase order information. The Customer acknowledges that fees are due and payable according to Learn for Care’s terms and conditions, even in cases where a valid purchase order has not been provided.

4.15 Learn for Care disclaims all liability for any omission of information from the Customer's purchase order. The Customer understands that even in situations where a legitimate purchase order has not been submitted, fees are still required and payable following Learn for Care's terms and conditions.

A 4.16 To pay for in-person and online courses, customers can request an invoice. Once the accounts staff has verified payment, Learn for Care will either confirm the in-house booking date and time or provide access to the courses.

5. Termination and Cancellation Cancellation

5.1. The costs listed in the accompanying table are used to calculate cancellation charges, which include transfers, deferrals, and postponements.

5.2. The payment applies to the course's whole list price or regular day rates at the time of cancellation.

5.3. Written notification must be submitted to Learn for Care to modify, transfer, postpone, or terminate services.

5.4. If internal training is cancelled:

- 26–30 days in advance: No fees.

- 16–25 days in advance: half of the total cost.

- Less than fifteen days in advance: the whole amount.

5.5. The cancellation policy is not applicable if

- The security seal is broken, or the offered programme has been utilised.

- A service has been rendered.

5.6. Support@learnforcare.co.uk must receive any notice of a course cancellation.

5.7. Learn for Care retains the right, in its sole discretion, to postpone, cancel, or defer in-house training. An alternative date will be provided in such circumstances. For any costs spent within ten working days of the course date, Learn for Care is not liable. Following that, compensation up to £100 will be given following receipt submission for supporting documentation. There is no reimbursement for lost time from work or travel owing to cancellations.

6. Refund Guidelines:

6.1. You may access the learning management system and course details after registering for free. Before making a purchase, we strongly advise you to thoroughly review our website and courses. We're here to answer any inquiries you may have from our support staff.

6.2. At our discretion, we may provide a refund if the programme is unable to operate as intended due to technical issues or platform incompatibilities. You must give us enough information to identify your purchase transaction in order for us to complete a refund (e.g., full name, email address, date of transaction, number of courses purchased, etc.).

6.3. You must write us a letter or email confirming your refund demand and providing the reason(s) for your request if you would like to obtain a refund within 30 days after the purchase.

6.4. You confirm that you have read and understand our refund policy by purchasing courses from Learn for Care. It is incumbent upon you to become acquainted with the policy. 6.5. If you do not agree with or fully accept the terms of this refund policy, we kindly ask that you refrain from placing an order with us.

6.5. Please do not place an order with us if you do not agree with or fully understand the conditions of our refund policy.

6.6. Please utilise the contact details listed on our website for any questions or correspondence about our refund policy.

7. Employees and Vendors:

7.1 Learn for Care may subcontract, assign, or delegate any of its rights or obligations under these terms, including the supply of services. They are free to select third parties, contractors, independent contractors, or staff to carry out the services.

7.2 The Customer agrees to pay Learn for Care an introduction fee as stated in the clause if the Customer hires or engages a Learn for Care employee or third party who was involved in delivering services to the Customer during the 12 months before their engagement.

7.3 If the Customer hires a Learn for Care employee or third party as previously indicated, the Customer undertakes to pay an introduction fee to the individual in the year that follows their employment that is equal to 50% of the yearly salary (including pay and benefits) that the Customer is required to pay.

8. Confidentiality & Intellectual Property:

8.1 Learn for Care retains ownership of any intellectual property rights, including copyright, developed or supplied by it, its workers, or other parties. The Customer has an internal use licence for these assets.

8.2 Unless the information is in the public domain or disclosure is mandated by law, the Customer agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all publications and materials developed by Learn for Care and not to reproduce, publish, or distribute them to any third party without Learn for Care's prior written authorization.

8.3 Except for employees or subcontractors who require access to the information, or with the other party's permission, both parties undertake not to divulge any sensitive information about the other's business or affairs.

9. Natural Disasters:

9.1 If events beyond Learn for Care's reasonable control—such as strikes, accidents, government actions, natural disasters, or Internet outages—prevent, hinder, or delay the provision of services, Learn for Care reserves the right to delay or cancel the delivery of services or reduce the number of services offered.

10. Insurance & Liability:

10.1 The entire amount that the customer must pay for the services will be the maximum amount of responsibility that Learn for Care, along with its partners, agents, subcontractors, and employees, will have for any services that they deliver to the customer.

10.2 In the case of a default, Learn for Care shall not be responsible to the Customer for any indirect or consequential damages, including loss of profits or goodwill, even if Learn for Care knew that such losses would occur. Cases of death or personal damage brought on by Learn for Care carelessness are not covered by this exclusion.

10.3 To the maximum extent allowed by law, Learn for Care is entitled to indemnity and protection from the Customer against any claims, damages, losses, or expenditures resulting from the services that Learn for Care and its third parties have rendered.